Dr. Theo Van Der Walt

Patheodent - Dentist & Founder

Dr Van Der Walt graduated at the University of Witwatersrand in 1983,. Following a year of practicing dentistry in the UK, he returned to South Africa and relocated to Cape Town where he joined Dr Pat Josephon

He enjoys practising the full spectrum of treatment modalities that dentistry offers, with special interest in endodontics, cosmetic restorations and implants. He successfully completed a post graduate diploma in dental implantology at UWC in 2007, and served on the committee of the Cape Society for Dental Implantology for three years. He is a member of SAAAD [South African Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry], SADA [South African Dental Association] and registered with HPCSA [Health Practitioners Council of South Africa]

Dr Van Der Walt takes a keen interest in all forms of sport, cycling and running to stay fit and healthy. He is married to Marjoleine a graphic designer. They have two children, a son Daniel and daughter Alex.


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